
Sona Capital
Investment Consulting
We provide strategic consulting and assistance to companies in the SME and Global Corporates space as they respectively develop their businesses as well as the diversification of their financial products. This can relate to advice in establishing medium to long term debt and equity capital either from local and international capital markets and where appropriate, from Development Financial Institutions (DFIs).
Sona Capital
Debt Arranging
As an arranger, we have the relevant expertise to provide advice in raising finance for projects by identifying and approaching appropriate multi-lateral development banks, financial institutions, international agencies and assisting corporate clients with the structuring and commercial negotiations through to documentation and financial closing. We also have access to relevant expertise in Sharia’ah compliant financing solutions.

Sona Capital
Equity Sourcing
We source debt and equity capital participations in projects for our clients by working closely with providers of equity finance such as private equity firms, finance houses, investment funds and U/HNWI’s. We continuously strive to expand our network of Global Investors who are seeking well-structured, bankable investment opportunities in the Middle East and Africa region with solid risk management processes in place which maximise returns while mitigating risks.
Sona Capital
Bankability Review and Analysis
For a transaction to reach financial close, it must be bankable. SCL undertakes a bankability review which allows the client to see what the key risks are and how best they can be mitigated. We understand the technicalities of complex financial models and are able to drill down into a project financial model to stress test it for bankability (including credit analysis, and any credit enhancements that may be required). One element of our expertise is to undertake a first level financial bankability review of tenders received by our client, which aims to separate the bankable from the un-bankable and allow the client to make an informed choice from the start of the transaction.

Sona Capital
Financial Modelling
Central to the bankability analysis is the financial model. SCL has over 25 years’ experience in constructing tailor made financial models across various sectors including oil and gas, infrastructure, power, corporates and financial institutions in order to clearly show the forecasted cash flows, ratios and sensitivity analysis of all relevant factors affecting a project . Irrespective of the complexity of the financial model, SCL is able to explain in simple and clear layman’s terms how the model runs and operates as well as how bankable the various underlying assumptions are by reference to the prevailing market conditions.
Sona Capital
Business Plans and Investment Proposals
SCL specializes in working alongside clients from various geographical regions to prepare business plans, investment proposals and deal prospectuses in order to effectively market the business offerings which we have successfully accomplished for a number of clients. Through our extensive network of City professionals, we provide advice and assistance with negotiating on behalf of our clients with the major international credit rating agencies, legal agencies and accounting/audit firms. Needless to say, we provide our expert guidance throughout this entire process.