ESG Solutions

ESG Sustainability Analytics 

Sona Sustainability Credit Score System

Sona Sustainability Credit Score System (SSCSS) is an innovative and user-friendly, ESG risk management tool built on sustainability analytics. Designed to enhance corporate business decisions and financial institutions’ lending practices, SSCSS serves as a vital criterion alongside traditional credit rating models.

By generating quantitative data on ESG sustainability analytics, it empowers more informed and responsible decision-making. This holistic approach fosters sustainable finance, supporting companies transitioning to socially and environmentally responsible business models.

Developing Global ESG Strategies

ESG and Climate Risk Consulting

  • ESG Advisory: Developing an ESG Strategy towards becoming a sustainable business.
  • Climate Change and Decarbonisation: Understanding climate risk and accelerating decarbonisation plans.
  • Economic and Social Development: Measuring Impact and enabling companies to grow in an equitable way.
  • Sustainable Finance: Ensuring the right ESG finance decisions for lenders, investors, borrower, and insurers.
  • ESG Assurance & Audit: Advising on the ESG auditing as part of a leadership agenda.
  • ESG Tax and Legal Services: Advising on ESG Tax and Regulatory matters.
Assessing and Managing ESG Risk

ESG Risk Ratings

Sona Analytics ESG Ratings integrates ESG credit factors into comprehensive credit analysis.

  • Key Features:
    • Company ratings categorized into five risk levels.
    • Risk assessment compared against industry peers and global standards.
    • Measurement and explanation of company’s exposure to specific ESG and Sustainability Risks.
    • Ratings range from AAA to D relative to industry peer standards.
    • Final scores determined by analysts considering transition and physical risk materiality.